DevOps Engineer | Restream | 2021-2022
- Organized CI/CD processes to help several development team release software products faster and faster
- Helped build internal infrastructure based on Debian servers
- Helped with migrating servers from old versions of Debian to Debian 10 Buster
- Helped several teams to setup convenient ci/cd pipeline at Ruby on Rails projects
- Rewrote a lot of ruby plugins for custom monitoring system based on Chef infrastructure
- Packed services to deb packages and organized CI/CD Gitlab pipelines with aptly
- Maintained legacy Kubernetes cluster for staging environment, managed metallb LB
- Worked with old HP Proliant hardware, maintain Proxmox cluster

Linux, Debian, Docker, Chef/Ansible, Aptly, CI/CD, Legacy, Operations, k8s (staging), Ruby, Proxmox

Main achievements:

Setup a lot of CI-CD pipelines for ruby team

Improved quality of alerts in riemann monitor system

Refactored some legacy bash scripts

Shared knowledge with colleagues