_ 1 HOW IT WORKS  1:1  Description:

The code is pushed to the Github repository. Next, Github Actions creates a pipeline that runs on a standalone runner. We perform linting checks, run tests, and if everything is successful, we push the built Docker Image to a private Docker registry. Afterward, we create a new job in Nomad that pulls the previously built Docker Image, builds the container, and launches it in the cluster. Clients from the internet access the application through a separately configured Nginx, which is set up alongside Certbot to handle SSL certificates.

Honestly, I found great pleasure in implementing the resume as if it were a real production project. It was a kind of hackathon for myself: a chance to tackle a task under constraints and explore tools that I don't use in my everyday life. For me, it was the container orchestration system Nomad and Github Actions.

I understand that the project is not perfect. There's still a lot to improve, both in terms of code (I didn't have time to refactor the HTML quickly, at least from a DRY perspective).

Source code: https://github.com/dronov/cv.dronov.net/
Application: Python + Flask
CSS: TuiCss
Containerization: Docker
Orchestration: Nomad
CI-CD:Github Actions
Linter: Ruff